Following her school graduation, Tarika decides she wants to travel to London to study further much to the chagrin of her father, Champak, who can`t afford the school fees. Determined to form his daughter`s dreams come true, Champak does everything he can to land her a seat during a London university.
Steps to Download Movie
1. Click on Verify Button (Small-Rectangular)2. Find I'm Not a robot captcha and fill it.
3. Scroll down and click on the continue button (Small-Rectangular)
4. Close The ads and again click on continue button\
5. Scroll Down and wait for 15 Sec
6. Click on Get Link Button (Small-Rectangular-Green Colour)
Remember: USE VPN
1. If ads open in your browser then close it and come back to your original/previous tab.
2. Only Small Rectangular buttons are real, others are ads.
3. See below pic before click on 'DOWNLOAD LINK'